|  Jeremy Jordan Credit: T. Charles Erickson | | Newsies, Featuring Jeremy Jordan, John Dossett and More, Opens at Paper Mill Sept. 25 Tony nominee Jeff Calhoun, who will be represented on Broadway later this season with Bonnie & Clyde, directs the Paper Mill Playhouse's production of the new Disney stage musical Newsies, which officially opens Sept. 25.
Broadway Flea Market, a Starry Street Fair for a Good Cause, Presented Sept. 25  The 25th Annual Broadway Flea Market & Grand Auction, the annual benefit for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, will attract theatre lovers Sept. 25 from 10 AM-7 PM. The event is free and open to the public. | <SCRIPT language='JavaScript1.1' SRC="http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/N4253.playbill/B5800334;abr=!ie;sz=468x60;ord=a53f48e15c?"> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT> <a href="http://www.playbill.com/openx/www/delivery/ck.php?oaparams=2__bannerid=5849__zoneid=5__source=home%7Cros__cb=a53f48e15c__oadest=http%3A%2F%2Fad.doubleclick.net%2Fjump%2FN4253.playbill%2FB5800334%3Babr%3D%21ie4%3Babr%3D%21ie5%3Bsz%3D468x60%3Bord%3Da53f48e15c%3Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fad.doubleclick.net%2Fjump%2FN4253.playbill%2FB5800334%3Babr%3D%21ie4%3Babr%3D%21ie5%3Bsz%3D468x60%3Bord%3Da53f48e15c%3F" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/N4253.playbill/B5800334;abr=!ie4;abr=!ie5;sz=468x60;ord=a53f48e15c?" BORDER=0 WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 ALT="Advertisement"></A> </NOSCRIPT>   | OBSESSED!: Tony Nominee Michael McElroy and the Dead Eyes of Vibrato Doom
NYMF's Newest Musicals Featuring Andrea McArdle, Jill Paice and More!
Michael John LaChiusa's Queen of the Mist Takes Us Over the Falls

DIVA TALK: Chats with NYMF's Donna Lynne Champlin, Jenn Colella, Andrea McArdle, Jenny Powers, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Kathy Voytko, Rachel York | News, views and reviews about the multi-talented women of the musical theatre and the concert/cabaret stage.
|  | PHOTO EXCLUSIVE: "It's a Puppet's World!" A Two-Show Day With Avenue Q's Nicholas Kohn | Nicholas Kohn, currently playing Brian in Off-Broadway's Avenue Q, offers Playbill.com readers an intimate look at a recent two-show day as a human living in a puppet's world.
|  | Broadway Rush, Lottery and Standing Room Only Policies | To make tickets more affordable to students and other theatregoers on a budget, many Broadway shows have implemented rush, lottery, and standing-room-only (SRO) policies.
|  | STAGE PORTRAIT: The Submission's Jonathan Groff, Rutina Wesley, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Will Rogers | Acclaimed illustrator Ken Fallin's drawings of the greatest stars and scenes of the theatrical world are a recurring part of Playbill.com.
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